The original whole-audience game show created by FFX Theatre for your family's entertainment at Virginia Beach's oceanfront. Xperience a unique brand of fun with games and more interactive audience xperiences in a relaxed and family-friendly (no kids required) indoor theater. To celebrate a little touch of the Christmas spirit we are bringing back JOLLY JULY for this one night only with some special games added from our FFXmas hit show.
Live interactive games with the whole audience, fun challenges, trivia, family feuds, and more - if you've played along with Jackbox Games, Game On, Ellen's Games, Wipeout, Minute to Win It, Amazing Race, or Whose Line is it Anyway - you will find something incredible here for your friends, family, co-workers, or whomever you want to hang out with for a night of fun!
Event ticket includes:
- Full show with games, challenges, prizes, and surprises
- Simple ticket pricing - no extra taxes or fees tacked on! (local tax is already included in the price)
- Admission to comfortable couch and regular seating (select your seat or just select 'best available')
- Concessions area with affordable snacks and drinks
- Bar has wine, beer, and fun cocktails
- And more!